
SERGT. ANDREW KERR, 57TH BATTN. AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY. KILLED IN ACTION NR. FLEURBAIX IN THE BATTLES OF THE SOMME, JULY 20TH, 1916. AGED 30. At the School 1901—3 (Manor House). Sergeant Andrew Kerr was the elder son of the late Andrew Kerr, of Melbourne, Australia. He entered the School in January, 1901, and left at Easter, 1903, from the Modern Vth, having been in the Cadet Corps. He was a bowler in the 3rd XI., and kept up his cricket in Australia, becoming a member of the Melbourne C.C. His younger brother, William Henry Kerr (M.H. 1905 - 8) , has changed his name to William Goring Kerr. He was a Corporal in the Lancashire Fortress R.E. (T.F.) when war broke out, but obtained a commission in the 7th (Service) Battn. of the King's Own Scottish Borderers, January 16th, 1915, was wounded at Loos, September 25th, 1915, and promoted to Temporary Lieutenant September 1st, 1916. He underwent an operation for appendicitis later in the year, and becoming attached, in 1917, to the Anti-Submarine Department of the Admiralty, served with this Department on the French coast from October to November, 1918. Andrew Kerr was occupied during the first year of the War in winding up his large business in Melbourne, in order to be free to serve, and devoted his spare time to training. He enlisted in Australia in September, 1915, and went with his unit to Egypt for further training at the end of December, having obtained rapid promotion and already risen to Sergeant's rank. In Egypt he was attached to the Australian Headquarters. Early in May, 1916, he went to France and became Platoon Sergeant, and in June was sent to St. Omer for a course of training for his commission. From this he had returned to his unit, and was killed in action, near Fleurbaix, on July 20th, before being gazetted. He was killed together with two others by a "whizz-bang" in the front line trenches just after the warning for a coming gas attack had been received. The Chaplain, in his letter to Sergeant Kerr's mother, who is in Australia, testified to the affectionate regard in which he was held by officers and men alike.

How He Died
Where He Died
Died Age
School House
Date Entered
Date Left
School Achievements

Sergeant Andrew Kerr was the elder son of the late Andrew Kerr, of Melbourne, Australia. He entered the School in January, 1901, and left at Easter, 1903, from the Modern Vth, having been in the Cadet Corps. He was a bowler in the 3rd XI., and kept up his cricket in Australia, becoming a member of the Melbourne C.C.